Start Here, If You Like

Have you ever had that moment when everything around you seemed foreign? Almost as if you had glimpsed your life from outside yourself and really didn't recognize it.

I think that's where I am. I think the past ten years have been real... Adventurous. Exciting.  Full of incredible fun mixed with terrifying pain.

I need a place to just lay some things down. Thoughts. Artwork. Stories. Memories.

A place I can leave some things. I don't necessarily want to forget these things. Or ignore them.

So I'm just gonna leave some things here. Maybe they will be things you can relate to. Things that will make you smile. Maybe not.

I'm going to fill this space with just stuff. Please don't look for rhyme or reason. There will probably not be any. Maybe I will categorize stuff. Maybe not. I'm not sure yet. After years of living...I realize... I love design... love art AND craft... playing with new recipes... traveling. So yeah... there will be stuff.

If you like something I've painted it's probably available. If you want something created... most of the time I'm up for that too.

But mostly. There's just too much... "here's the right way to do it" in the world. I think I want to do it the wrong way for a while.

I really just want to leave stuff here. If you like it... YAY!

Maybe it won't get too messy here. No promises though.